Thursday 11 February 2010

Initial Ideas Pitch

The movie starts with Logan McKenna returning home after a long day at work, looking tired and stressed. He arrives home to find his front door is open and his home has been ransacked. Worried and on his guard Logan pulls out his gun and slowly enters the house to find 2 dirty cops searching through his living room for a specific piece of information (unknown to the audience at the start of the movie). With the upper handover the 2 men, Logan takes out the first cop with a shot to the throat, the second reacts quickly to the shot and clubs Logan over the head with a Bible and knocks him unconscious. Dazed and confused, Logan awakes with his arms and legs bound to a chair, his face is battered and bruised with a few splashes of blood coming from his mouth and several cuts across his face. Logan is then hit with a freezing cold bucket of water in attempt to wake him further. The voice of Powers le Boothe can be heard bellowing around the huge warehouse, which Logan has awoken in. Logan is told that he will not be leaving the warehouse alive, it is at this point when Logan begins to have his flashbacks showing the viewer what they have missed, the flashbacks will then lead Logan back to his current situation.

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